Can You Hack it in Lisbon?

The Upload V3

Welcome to the Filecoin Foundation newsletter, where we cover big ideas and news about the Filecoin ecosystem and the decentralized web. Today’s edition explores our exciting upcoming gathering in Portugal and how you can join us at #FILLisbon.

The Big File

October 15 marks the two-year anniversary of the Filecoin mainnet launch. It’s amazing to see how the network has expanded to include more than 4,000 storage providers supplying over 18 EiB in total storage power, plus more than 430 organizations and 2,000+ projects building on the network.

Following a successful Filecoin event in Singapore, Europe is up next for Filecoin Fall festivities with Filecoin Foundation’s FIL Lisbon on the horizon. Join us Oct. 30 for the Filecoin Interplanetary Party hosted by Filecoin Foundation, as well as main stage programming Oct. 31 and Nov. 1.

Plus, we’ll have talks and events throughout Web Summit. Check our event website for the latest schedule and registration information.

We can’t wait to see you there!

The Event File

See what’s coming up and follow our full programming lineup here.

File it away. Save the date! We’ll head to Portugal for FIL Lisbon and Web Summit 2023. Here’s an overview of the Filecoin community events happening on-site:

  • October 24 - 28: PL Lab Week - The Protocol Labs Network is gathering in Lisbon for its first-ever decentralized conference. Teams in the network will hold events on a variety of topics, including decentralized storage, public goods funding, cryptoeconomics, DeSci, and more. Register now:!

  • October 28 - 30: IPFS Camp - IPFS Camp is a gathering for the entire IPFS community: devs, operators, implementers, researchers – and you! Join us for talks, workshops, discussion circles, hacking time, and more, all focused on celebrating and advancing IPFS.

  • October 30: Filecoin Interplanetary Party, hosted by Filecoin Foundation

  • October 31 - November 1: Filecoin Foundation’s FIL Lisbon Main Stage Days. This two-day event will feature insightful talks from top-notch speakers and panel discussions from the world's foremost Filecoin ecosystem participants and Web3 co-builders.

  • October 24 - November 4: FIL Lisbon x Fission Codes x ETH Lisbon Hacker Base, featuring coworking space and lightning talks for developers and the web3 community

  • November 1 - 4: Filecoin Station at Web Summit

From the FIL-ing Cabinet

Discover news from across the Filecoin ecosystem.

FIL-Singapore convened more than 1,600 attendees and 1,000 online viewers.

The largest Filecoin community gathering ever in Asia included 28 side events, such as FIL.VC. A fireside chat brought Juan Benet and Andrew Yang together to discuss how Web3 can help solve the major issues of our time. In case you missed it, replay Juan’s Day 1 keynote address on FF’s YouTube page.

Launched: The Public Data Commons (PDC) initiative.

Filecoin Foundation launched the Public Data Commons initiative to encourage governments to store and/or access their public data sets on the decentralized web. Check out the PDC website, where you can learn more about Filecoin Foundation’s comprehensive program for onboarding public and government datasets.

Mark your calendar for next month’s Fil Plus notary elections.

On Nov 1, the fourth round of notary elections will begin. To date, more than two dozen applications have been submitted. If approved, these new notaries would grow the existing Notary community by 43% this cycle.

Come BUIDL With Us

Learn about the latest in Filecoin grants.

 Kicking off the EASIER Data Initiative at the University of Maryland.

With the support of FFDW, the Initiative will develop the capacity and infrastructure for uploading, analyzing, and extracting large quantities of data using decentralized storage technologies focused on geospatial datasets.

 Explorer Awards Update.

Ten awardees from the second round of the Explorer Awards small grants collaboration with Unfinished were notified and will start work on their projects. 

Hackathon Announcements.

Judging for ETH Safari, an Africa-focused hackathon, starts Sept. 15. Judging for the DataDao Fil-Toronto Hackathon is ongoing

Community Governance

Updates on Filecoin Improvement Proposals (FIPs)

Following a period of extensive deliberation and voting, FIP-0036 has not received majority support across at least 3/5 voting groups and has been rejected. Data tracking is available on Observable. For more information on this FIP, check out the governance Github.

The Filecoin Governance team will be on the ground at the upcoming ESPA Las Vegas to discuss filecoin governance with the Filecoin community.